Man! It just doesn't let up. This work thing is starting to really, really get in the way of important things, like searching the net for good scrapbooking retreat locations! I must have received 10 payments today from clients travelling internationally...woo-hoo!! Inbetween issuing all these tickets, or at least sending them to someone else to issue, I've been researching surrounding towns accomodation sites for good retreat locations. I'm formulating an idea in my head on maybe organising a scrapbook retreat that is close enough to Cape Town, to either come for the day or stay overnight - with part of the proceeds going to a local animal charity. So far the idea is just in it's infancy in my head, but piece by piece I'm planning something. It feels quite weird actually, like I'm not consciously planning something, more like my brain & heart are doing it for me and I'm just the vessel through which the plan is formulating itself...weird, kinda cool too, but weird.

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