This is the view that my Aussie mate and I had on Saturday from Dunes Restaurant in Hout Bay. (I got this pic off the internet - that's not us). What an awesome lunch, we had a great time catching up, and well, gossiping. We used to work together, but I have since left, and she has changed positions, so it was great to catch up on everyone that was still there, new people, old people etc. We blabbed on and on for about 2 hours before we even ordered, getting through a bottle of chilled white, before you could say 'tipsy women', I eventually ordered a cajun chicken burger which was absolutely delicious. Only a solid 4 hours after we got there, did we part ways. Needless to say, I went home and had a really good after lunch nap. The hubby was glued to Saturday afternoon sport on the telly, and since my head was pounding (probably the combination of chilled vino blanco and hot sunshine), I didn't have the heart to watch all the good looking blokes in tight shorts on telly like Michele did - so I took the laptop to bed with me, and used my fleet of aircraft carriers to take out a fledgling civilisation barely out of the Roman times. Man I love strategy games. Especially when my cats try to help me win the game.
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