This is my other cutie that I don't blog nearly enough about. Probably because his 'little' brother is such a hottie. Digby came to us via a friend who took him off a beggar! The beggar had stolen him from his litter and was trying to sell him for money, for alcohol no doubt. He'd spent the 2nd 4 weeks of his life on the streets, lord knows how he survived. Anyway, he did, and gives us so much enjoyment and love with all his 'quirks'. For example, he gets so thoroughly excited if we put a collar on him, it's as if he knows that this denotes ownership of him and to him that's the best gift in the world! Even the other day, he had a cut on his nose which he repeatedly scratched open, we had to get one of those cup collars to put on him so that he couldn't scratch it until it had healed sufficiently. We'd put it on him when we were at work during the day, and in the evening when we came home, we'd take it off and just watch to make sure that he didn't scratch. Come the morning he was so darn excited to have it back on again, it was hilarious. The hubby is his great love in life, even though I am the one that adopted the little bastard, but that's cool, and I'm guessing he only shows the hubby favoritism, because he sneaks up on the bed during the night when he thinks I'm asleep to cuddle with the hubby.

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