Did I mention (after my previous enraged rantings) that I got offered a really great job yesterday? It was totally out of the blue, I was helping out at another agency yesterday, and one of the clients rang the owner of the business to say that this company (that I was helping out) had better hire me, because I did such a great job on their bookings. (GO ME!) Is that the sound of my own trumpet blowing? Let me just reach back and see if I can pat my back some more! Ok, ok, but where the hell else if not my blog can I sing to the rooftops about my own greatness? After this afternoon's BULLSH*T (see below), this offer is looking even more attractive! Maybe I will just dump all this sh*t and go and take on a new position in a great company, with cool co workers and take this job in the funky office. Hmm, I wonder how they feel about bloggers...and blogging during office hours...

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