I will probably be starting a new job in January for which the hours are 08h30 until 14h00, leaving me with my afternoons free...and I am so seriously thinking about doing something scrapbooking related. I mean really, doing something. It just ocurred to me that I almost blog about it daily.
Everybody that I know, has a camera, or takes photo's regularly, and can benefit from even the most basic scrapbooking, they don't have to have all the bells and whistles that some people are overloading their pages with. Of course bells and whistles are fine for some, and I enjoy the occasional 'overkill' on a page or two. But I digress, back to my potential second job...
perhaps some of you US & Canadian folk can tell me what you've heard about Creative Memories? They are set to launch here in April 2005, and I'd be interested to get on board as soon as possible, but could use some advice from people who have either seen their products, used their equipment, or attended any of their workshops, classes or parties. Anybody out there got any advice for me?

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