Brain Bubbles

Expressions of a caffiene regulated brain.


Friday, November 19, 2004

I'm Ba-ack!

Hey there! Sorry for the unannounced departure - but I whizzed out to see my mom on Tuesday afternoon - did some scrap shopping, nothing too strenuous, and then spent the rest of the week at a course, finishing up with an exam today - which (tuu tu tuu- sound of own trumpet) I aced with a score of 98%. Then I turned into one of those obnoxious geeks that I hated in high school and proceeded to moan about the 2% that I didn't get. Managed to pull myself together and went scrapbook shopping (as a reward to myself of course) at the newly opened local branch (which I heard about via Michele) of that fabulous scrap shop, and bought myself (finally!) something decent to keep my paper in in the form of a cropper hopper paper diviser thingy. VERY COOL. Anyway, folks I hate to blog and dash, but the weather is sweltering, and my sister in law has a pool with my name on it!!