I finally got a pushchair, car seat combination travel system this weekend. I have been SO horrified at the prices of these combination ones, that I put off buying it for so long! This last weekend that past - we were out the northern suburbs to have lunch with some friends - and the wife and I went off to their local "Baby & Company", and I found the MOST awesome deal - and I only ended up paying half of what I was expecting to! I am so chuffed that we found such a good deal. Aside from the good price, the travel system was a) on special b) I got 10 % off for using my health insurance credit card too! It's so great that instead of looking at it and feeling ill at the thought of having to pay off so much, instead I get to look at it, pretend my little bundle is in there, and feel really happy at the great deal. Plus when I'm alone at home I practice driving it around the house (LOL). 

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