Brain Bubbles

Expressions of a caffiene regulated brain.


Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Had to share it with you

Ok, even though my blog looks like sheit at the moment given that there is some screwy html going on that I don't know how to fix...anyway. Yesterday, I went to a Creative Memories consultant training session at the Mount Nelson. I was very early, so I popped into an Engen quickshop (convenience store) across the road, to get some munchies to chow in the car before the training. There I was merrily perusing the very upmarket merchandise in that area. I.e. calcium enriched water...vegetable crisps. Definitely the kind of thing that 'ladies who lunch' would snack on, if they could every admit to actually eating anything other than salad. It was then, that the orange packaging caught my can't be...I moved closer...could it be?? How on earth? After all my years of searching, of yearning, of remembering. Of practically bribing American and Canadian friends to mail them to me...they were really here!!!! I nearly cried as I rushed over and clutched the orange packaging firmly to my breast. They were mine, all mine, and I was about to enjoy a taste sensation last experienced about 6 years ago...the Reeces Peanut Butter cups were mine! So, about that sugar level problem I was having...