Big Changes...

There is so much going on in my life at the moment that it's all quite daunting...
- The obvious one is that I'm 9 weeks away (today!) from having a baby, a son, a new member of the family...oh my god, my mind just zonks out when I think about it. (in a good mind boggling way).
- The hubby is finally (after months of nagging from me - and not listening) selling the family business. It has been a drain on us emotionally and financially for so long! Emotionally, because his family are very manipulative and he always has to play the 'problem solver' and 'hero', and of course the 'maid' to clean up everyone else's screw ups etc. Anyway, basically the hubby left a very well-paying corporate IT job in order to step in and help out the family biz about 2.5 yrs ago. Now he's so damn bored - and trying very hard to get back into the IT market, but it's proving harder than we thought. Anyway, I have all the faith in the world in him and I know he'll make it back. We really need this at the moment, with me going on maternity leave etc. However, this financial drain on us has meant that we now have to...
- We are selling our house. I know it's crazy, 9 weeks before giving birth, but yes we are selling our house. Thankfully we've put enough into our bond (mortgage) and our house has dramatically increased in value, so we'll get enough capital out to pay off the company debt (it's not much, but it's enough to be annoying that we're paying for it and the MIL and SIL are not - because they 'can't' -gaaah!!!!) and we'll have enough to live on for at least a year -should the job hunt prove really difficult.
There is light at the end of the tunnel however, because the business is very marketable - as it has huge potential, but we've not had the capital to market it, and thankfully there are 2 interested parties - so if it's sold - we won't have to part with any of our capital. Plus once the hubby gets his career on track again - we'll be laughing...and I'll get to be a stay at home mom (YEAH!!). But it just seems like we have these 2 or 3 insurmountable obstacles to get through in order to get on with our lives....sigh....
At first I was really heart broken that we were selling our house, now I'm just plain pissed off with the MIL and SIL for not being able to part with their fare share for the company (after having taken more than their fare share
from the company). Anyway, my heart lifted, once I started exploring the rental market in our area.
The hubby and I discovered that for less than our monthly bond repayments currently, we can get the most amazing houses in our area. The picture you see above, is of the private estate (Michele you'll know this one well) where we can get the most awesome 3 bedroom home, with stunning open plan lounge, kitchen, dining room, with ample yard space for our doggies and kitty's. The complex is very secure with 24 hr security - it's own lake, boat house & pub, and it is just filled to the brim with young couples with little kiddies!! So needless to say, I'm seeing the lighter side of things - and now can't wait to wrap up the sale of our house so that I can move into this beauty! If all goes according to plan it will still be available once our sale is 'through', and we'll be able to move shortly after babykins joins us (a feat in itself I know but I'll manage somehow!).
So please folks keep your fingers, toes and other bendable body parts crossed for us, that we a) sell the biz b) get our asking price for the house (we have 2 just off asking price offers) and c)the hubby gets his plum career back on track - because we could really use a change in luck right about now!! Of course d) my dream house stays available!!
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