Brain Bubbles

Expressions of a caffiene regulated brain.


Friday, July 29, 2005

oops forgot to post

I spent about 3 hours at the IL's yesterday copying my wedding pictures onto a removable flash drive to take home to my NON-internet PC. Sneakernet! I.e. put pictures onto disk, put on sneakers, go to other pc and load. Anyway, in all of the busyness with that, I totally forgot to post. I'm still working on the hubby about the adsl, and today I finally said, "well at the very least I must have dial-up because I need to do my internet banking etc etc" and he was like, "no, if we do it, we'll do it properly with adsl...just hang on and we'll think about it." Hee hee. We should know by the end of next week which job he's going to be starting and exactly how much he'll be earning - and then I'll move in for the kill :) I've told him so much about how wonderful all my blogging buddies are, and how cut off I feel not having access to everyone everday, and I don't want to go into a depression when the baby comes, by being stuck at home...I know I know, I'm being manipulative...but really, when a gal wants the internet...nothing else will do. My next move will probably be to tell him just how valuable the internet is in case I need to research what to do when the baby gets sick etc. (very evil grin)