Tommorrow morning I'm going to visit some friends of mine, who live in that estate where the hubby and I are wanting to stay. I know that I'm going to take a drive past that house that we want just to make sure it's still available, and also to have a little vision as to what it would be like living there, how I would paint the living room, etc etc. Considering that we have a firm offer on our house it doesn't seem like that much of an emotional risk, but until our buyer has actually sold their house, I suppose our offer isn't as firm as we'd like.
Anyway, I'm still going to allow myself to dream a little dream and think positively about our future. I can just see it...the house is perfect, big enough for us plus not just 1 but 2 kids - and plenty of space for a nice size dining room table (perfect for hosting Creative Memories home classes!!), a gorgeous garden that has ample rooms for Navarre and Roxy to run around in. A stunning front garden that the cats can use without the dogs bothering them. A big double garage so both our cars have somewhere to sleep at night. Enough space in the garage that the hubby can have all his woodworking tools out and a decent size workstation. Wall to wall built in cupboards in the master bedroom - so no more arguing over hanging space! A master bathroom en-suite separate from the 'kids' bathroom.....sigh....
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