Yesterday was a public holiday, and my hubby spent the morning a) putting up shelves in the baby's room and b) baking bread, real bread, from scratch... I tell you, where did I find this guy? Talk about being married to the male Martha Stewart...without the insider trading or whatever she was arrested for!
He has been absolutely amazing the last few weeks that I've been at home with my feet up waiting for my due date. This is a photo of him with Roxy the labrador when we first got her - needless to say she's now far too big to be picked up like this - but I think it sums him up perfectly - a gorgeous, caring & handsome guy. He would die of embarrassment if he new that I was posting this picture of him, because he thinks it makes him look fat...awww.
Today he's off at a job interview for a contract position with an amazing company, for a really good salary. I am hoping, praying and beseeching the universe that they like him and hire him. We won't know today of course if he's got it or not, but I'm sending every good vibe I can muster! Without wanting to go down any political roads or anything, it is SO hard for white guys to get decent jobs these days. Affirmative action is not only addressing the inequalities of the past, but creating the inequalities of today. At times like this I am ready to pack my bags and head of to a country where people are hired on merit (of which my hubby has loads) where hard work is rewarded, regardless of the colour of your skin.
Sigh. I love my man to bits, and hope that all goes super well today.
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