Well I 'm feeling bright eyed and bushy tailed again. My medication is definitely working which is always a plus!
So where the heck have I been for the last week (actually two and a half...) After a large altercation with the phone company over my phone bill (which includes our ADSL) - they had completely overbilled me, charging me for two lines, as well as the installation of a second mystery line, then proceeded to tell me that I, (ME) ordered it - when the entire bill is actually in my husbands name. Anyway, I insisted they reverse the extra charges before I pay them - which led to them CUTTING our line. Yesterday, after MUCH foot stomping, they reconnected us - at which point I paid what we actually owed on the bill - and not a minute sooner!
Yesterday I also took the new pup for her second round of shots - she was SO good - and it probably helped that the vet picked her up afterwards and gave her such a nice cuddle! While we were there - someone brought a cat in that they said their neighbors had abandoned when they had moved away...of course you know what happened...the cat is coming home with me this afternoon! The vet just wanted to keep her in overnight, make sure she is spade and give her shots - and then she's comin' home!! I can't think of a name for her yet, but I'm going to post pictures of her - and then you can all help name her ok? she's predominantly white, with a black head, green eyes and a few black spots a bit like a few spotted dalmation. It remains to be seen if my other cats will make friends or not!! We'll see!?

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