Here she is folks, sorry for the photo quality, it was taken with a cellphone! (I'm still waiting in anticipation for my new camera...). Yesterday, the hubby and I went to our local
rescue centre. I sent him inside to choose a dog, I struggle to keep my eyes dry in those places, but after a little while, the hubby came out with a big smile on his face, and told me to go with the volunteer to see the one he'd picked out. Trying desperately not to look at all the doggies needing homes, we eventually get to the puppy section and I fell in LOVE with little "Chanel" (as in Chanel No. 5 the perfume) so pronounced, Shan-elle. We decided on a puppy, so that we can raise her with the bubby, she already loves him to bits in the 24 short hourse she's been with us. Roxy our lab is thrilled to have a pal again and is either licking her till all her hair stands up, or being a little too rough with her. I give it a week before they are inseperable. I am really impressed with this particular centre, they LOVE the dogs to bits that they have, and they refuse to put any of them down, but keep every single one until they find good homes. They even conduct visits to the home where they'll be going, so that they know they're not going to some dodgy place. They were really sad to see little Chanel go, saying, "Um, she will be allowed inside the house right?" and the hubby burst out laughing and said, "Um, well, my labrador sleeps on the bed, so I don't thing you need to worry. " They chuckled and bid us farewell. They will see her again in 6 months time when she needs to be spade. In case you are wondering, she is of no particular breed, but has the colouring of a
rottweiler, with a small white striped vertically on her chest, I think there may be a pinch of
border collie in her. The important thing is that she is a very loving, sweet and cuddly pet, that will give us many happy memories! Although my heart was aching for another
Alaskan Malamute, I thought it would be so much better to give an abandoned animal a good life.
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