Wouldn't it be great relaxing after a good day in the saddle training your prize friesian x warmblood dressage horses, kicking back in the hot tub, watching the horses relax, enjoying a good slightly chilled sauvignon blanc (South African of course),
the live-in chef comes in to let you know that your gourmet dinner is ready once you've had your massage by hunky Swedish masseuse (Sven), your hubby gets home, letting you know that he's just made another 100 million by seeing your stock broker just at the right time, and that he's so glad you've been nominated for the Nobel Prize for Kindness to Abused Animals in the SAME year that you've already collected the Pulitzer for your saucy but gripping novel about life in a ritzy and glamorous horsey community, loosely based on fact?
By the way, this is an actual horsey farm somewhere South of Austin (TX), on the market for a measely $3 900 000. Anyone want to lend me that? I'm good for it you know...

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