Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears.
Guess what y'all - IT"S FRIDAY!!!!

We actually made it to the end of the week. I can barely keep my eyes open, but hell I'm here.
Next week this time, myself and the goddess over at Windspirit will be enjoying some well earned scrapping time at our scrapbooking weekend out in Somerset West. Egads! I never quite realised just how excited I am that it is all happening so soon!! I must organise my scrapabilia into some sort of order before going. We are going from Thursday night for the crop sessions, make n takes and basically to stand around talking to other scrapcrazy women about nothing but scrapping. We stay over on Thursday night (when Michele has promised to entertain me with her snoring repetoire). Friday we have scrap classes all day. Friday night is more entertainment, and then Saturday is more scrapclasses. We adjourn on Saturday night, when I drag myself the 100km home to make it to a barbeque in Simons Town with hubby, with hopefully loads of completed scrapped pages and lots of new goodies in tow. Aaaah, I really feel like I can put my feet up this weekend and start to look forward to next weekend... have a great one people and I'll see you all Monday!
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