Brain Bubbles

Expressions of a caffiene regulated brain.


Thursday, March 31, 2005

La La Land

All is well in la la utero land. I had another scan today, and this time there was no mistaking it was definitely a boy! For some reason the last week before my next scan I start to worry that something is wrong, but then I get there, see that little heart beating like harley davidson and I'm fine for the next three weeks! We're going for another big 3 d scan on the 18th of April, and should be able to be doubley sure that there are no abnormalities etc. There's been nothing to suggest anything untoward, but they always make absolutely sure. I am looking forward to the big scan, as then there is sound that one can hear the heart beat etc. Oooh, exciting stuff!! I feel the need to go shopping for baby clothes!!