I finally did it.
I surfed to my favorite scrapwebsite, hauled out my credit card and bought the tote of my dreams. Including shipping it came to less than 75% of the price had I bought it at a local store. Plus I got to pick the colour that I wanted, and not some horrific pink that some dumb buyer decided would be popular for the South African market. Just because we're chicks, and we scrap, don't assume that we like pink. Because we might...but don't assume.
So now I sit back in with bated breath and in much anticpation for my beloved scrapbooking tote to be lovingly packaged by some kind American person, and put on a plane to cross the Atlantic and hopefully not get pillaged by some corrupt postal worker. 4-6 weeks for delivery. I wonder if I can wait that long!!!!!! I'll keep you all posted and definitely take a picture of it when it gets here, I think the most fun I'm going to have is to fill it with all my scrapping supplies. Sigh....talk about retail therapy...
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