New Beginnings

So much can change in a weekend. Our lives have been utterly changed in the last few days.
- I don't dare give a heartfelt account of what's going on without breaking down into gut wrenching sobs.
- Digby (my little white doggy) came down with a light case of tick bite fever (billiary) on Wednesday.
- He was taken to the vet and treated immediately and showed remarkable recovery Wednesday and Thursday.
- Thursday night he didn't look 100%, he was bit lethargic which is quite normal for billiary recovery.
- Friday morning he was really bad so we took him back to the vet again where they put him on a drip, and kept him for observation.
- I am so thankful that I made such a huge fuss of him that day before I left for work (and hubby took him to the vet) because it would be the last time that I ever saw him.
- He suffered a seizure and slipped into a coma, and died a few hours later.
- He turned 3 years old last December, still a baby. Our baby. Our little watchdog, that kept his 70kg brother Navarre in check!
- After spending much of Friday and Saturday crying at home, the hubby and I had to look past our own grief to see to Navarre, who was already showing signs of pining for Digby. Not wanting to lose him to a broken heart, we quickly made the decision to get him a friend asap.
- He had the whole of Friday, Saturday and Sunday to grieve and Sunday night we came home with Roxy. A beautiful female labrador pup only 7 weeks old. As soon as she saw him she fell in love and rushed over and the two of them 'licked lips'.
- He's still very sensitive and will growl at her if she does something he doesn't like, but I'm sure that he will heal in time and the two of them will become fantastic buddies.
- As for the hubby and I, we're still pretty raw about losing Diggles. The Digmeister, Mr Digglesworth, Mr Plod. NOTHING will ever replace the gaping hole he has left in our hearts. I only hope that the pain will give way to fond memory. I have to stop posting now, too close to tears.
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