I love watching the hubby with Navarre and Roxy, doing a bit of training, more like 'treats for tricks' really. Both our pooches are really well behaved and just LOVE to please us. I personally like to park off on the veranda with a glass of wine (Bubby asleep in his room), baby monitor on the hip.
Well we discovered that the bubby was getting a bit of reflux, because he was getting a bit moany nearly an hour after his feeds. Anyway, the paediatrician recommended some baby Gaviscon and it's worked a charm! He now wakes up, has his nappy changed by yours truly (aka baby slave) has some Snooky Pooky talk time with mummy and then has a feed and nods off for about 2 hours. All this equates to a four hour routine...and a wee bit of exhaustion for mummy ! :)
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