It is amazing, how much you love this little person who's arrived in your life.
It is also more amazing just exactly how tired you get looking after them 24/7!!! Somewhere deep inside, you find the strength to keep getting up regardless how braindead and zombie-like you feel. Really strong coffee also works great!
The Bubby woke up at 3am this morning and decided he was done sleeping...I wasn't, so this caused a bit of a hiccup but nevertheless at 7h30am I got his next feed down, got a nice comfy clean nappy on and he feel asleep immediately, I got bathed and dressed at like,
the speed of light, and picked him up blankets and all, lobbed him straight into his car seat (which fits into his pram) and by 9am got my butt up here to the in laws in record time to check email, blog, and regain some sanity. It has helped so much having somewhere nice to walk to with the pram, which is not too far. After his next feed I may try and do a bit of a longer walk down to the mall to pick up the ADSL forms from our local telecoms shop...I keep wanting to go, and never seem to quite get around to actually getting there. Walking there with the pram would a)give me more much needed exercise b)ensure that the bubby gets more sleep c) get the forms to bring home so we can finally get the wheels rolling on me having more of a life...at home.
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