Sunday, April 30, 2006
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Friday, April 28, 2006
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Friday, April 21, 2006
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Friday, April 14, 2006
The Winds of Change
Michele at Wind Spirit talked of updated websites - and Spring (our Autumn) causing people to make radical changes! Such is my 'Fall (Spring)-cleaning' fever that I finally made the decision to permanently move my blog. So although I won't be deleting Brainbubbles for awhile. I will no longer be updating it.
Would y'all please point your links, blog-rolls and other pointable items to:
(drum roll................................)
For those of you who will miss all my widgets etc on the side bar etc - I will be putting them up at Lens Queen as soon as I can figure out how!!
Well, what are ya waitin' for!!? Come on over and we'll have tea!
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Let me tell you one thing that really annoys me...I post an entry, and it takes more than 48hrs to show up? I sure as hell didn't hit 'draft' instead of 'publish' why the frig does it take so long!? I can 'refresh' until I'm blue in the face - even delete all my temp. internet files and still no post...?
Another thing...spyware, and ad-ware...how the hell does it get onto your computer - I swear I haven't been at any dodgy sites - unless you're referring to all of your blogs ;) I run google's ad-aware every five minutes it finds malicious stuff, deletes it and like 5 minutes later its finding more stuff...any suggestions on how to get rid of this evil scurge?
Lastly - can anyone update me on how Hannah is doing? I know she went into labour yesterday but her hubby hasn't updated her blog yet...? I'm dying to know if they're both ok!!
Friday, April 07, 2006
She went mad, so we shot her...
Y'all must be wondering if Ol' Valkyrie is off her rocker with yesterday's post...? Most, actually all of you too bewildered to comment? Well she aint nuts folks!
I was inspired by something and the writing just flowed out of me. I'm trying to figure out if it has the beginnings of a book written all over it. Pun completely intended.
Does it sound like something you've read before?
Do you want to know more?
If this was on the back cover of a book would be interested in reading more?
Thursday, April 06, 2006
The Ball
His carelessly tousled hair did not move as he turned his head to survey the room with an opaque stare, his brown eyes revealing little, and yet not quite able to conceal a look of polite indifference to his surroundings. He stood to one side so as not to appear at odds with his present company, a friend to his left chatted with a smile to some satin-clad socialite.
When his eyes settled on me, a woman of lesser courage might have been afronted and looked away. I held his gaze just long enough as was considered polite. His expression was one that to some may have been described as smouldering, but one, which dared me, a woman of more outspoken mettle to cross a room. Something of course which neither common sense nor propriety would allow me to do.
Who was this insufferable upper class man who refused to dance with anyone? Keeping to his own company and leaving legions of women magnetized to his wake. I wanted to take his impeccably starched, crisp white knot under his devastatingly handsome chin and shake him angrily for making even me, feel such emotional turmoil.
He murmured an aside to his friend and they both laughed. I would stand it no longer, a joke at my expense? I turned and made my departure from the group of ladies in whose company I now was and walked with purpose through the door and out onto the terrace.
Sounds of music and dancing from the ballroom filtered unchecked through to me, and wanting some peace, and a place to collect myself, I walked out further and to the steps leading down to a lavender glade, and leaning against an obliging pillar placed one of my flushed cheeks onto it’s cool marble and felt some relief.
Why had I been so jolted by him? We were without introduction and therefore no chance to even speak, and yet I felt as though I knew beyond a doubt that he was some landed gentry spending all his time on idle pursuits such as fishing or God forbid, shooting! Since he was clad in breeches for the evening having ridden to the ball, I realized I could not fault him for being a horseman, for I too, carried some renown as one of the best horsewomen in the county – at least giving my parents cause for pride, owing to my lack of skill at the piano, I reflected with a rueful smile.
“Are you quite well?” His clipped tones eminent of an expensive education purred out behind me, and I gave a start, my heart already rising as I knew it would into my throat and I placed my hand on it as if to halt it’s progress. His well-shod feet had not alerted me to his footsteps, and now that he had appeared instantly beside me I realized just how tall and imposing a figure he cut. He stood with hands behind his back, light from the ballroom illuminating his dashing profile, his impeccably tailored black evening tail coat suited him most pleasingly and with some resignation I realized that I was completely and hopelessly - taken with him.
How easy it would be for me to run, at this instant, to have him not comprehend the effect he was having on me, to try and stem the flow of wild thoughts coursing through my mind.