Sorry for my long absence everyone, but I got hit with the worst case of bronchitus known to man, or at least pregnant woman. Coughing up half a lung, while trying to hold in a 3.5kg baby is not pleasant! Thankfully I'm on the mend now, and able to drag myself to an internet PC and blog! One great thing happened last week though...I had my latest doc appointment and she said that I can finally put my sugar problem behind me and relax now for the last 9 days of my pregnancy. Which means...that.... YES! I finally got to indulge in my favourite chocolates which Hannah from
Teatopia sent me- ok, I didn't act silly and scoff all five packs in one go, I sensibly had 1 cup a day over a 10 day period. Even with my bronchitus, I had like a 10am window where my sinuses were open enough to be able to taste -and I'd get all comfy on the couch and prepare myself for the ultimate pleasure....the reeces peanut butter cup. Unfortunately, now they're all finished, and I'm in despair again....there is no local alternative....sigh....Hannah, sincerely from the bottom of my heart...THANK YOU for having sent them to me, they definitely gave me the strength to soldier on through my illness!!! Oh yes, and congratulations on your pregnancy!!!!! I'm going to go shopping for you as soon as I can to send you something 'Africanesque' and 'baby'. I may not be able to ship it off to you before I go in for my caesar, but keep an eye out for it sometime in October.