Good Food, Good Friends, Good Fun
The Hubby, Bubby and I went to visit some good friends this past Sunday for lunch, this is a picture of them - taken over a year ago, because their bubby is nearly 18mths old already! How great to finally be on the same page as them and finally understanding what it feels like to be utterly sleep deprived.
Anyway, it was super fun spending time with them again. They stay up the West Coast about an hours drive from us, so we don't get to see them that often. In chatting to them it really sank in just how lucky I am that I get to stay home with the bubby. The wife we visited went back to work after 4 months of maternity leave, and sank into a bit of depression, and who the heck could blame her! I would NOT be coping if I knew I had this deadline looming. As it is I do plan to work again, but it will definitely be from home and only when I am good and ready. Her hubby was chatting to mine about switching jobs, and gave my hubby his CV and asked him to forward to the HR dep at his new job. The cool thing is that both hubby's used to work at the same company a few years back, so my hubby knows this guys great work ethic and can really put a good word for him. I'll be really glad for my pal, if her hubby manages to switch jobs so that she can get to stay home with their little munchkin.

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