Wednesday, December 29, 2004
I am at my mums house trying to be a computer boffin and figure out why her dial up keeps dropping the connection. Man, I wish she would splurge on ADSL or something which keeps her online all the time - at least then she could join the blogging world!
For the time being she is knitting baby clothes!! Ok, gotto go - see ya folks in a couple of days!! I only have sporadic access to the net so you will hear from me every now and then... until the 3rd of Jan when I am back in the work saddle again.
Tuesday, December 28, 2004

My little Snowy was laid to rest today. I am so sad. He was one of the pair that we took in when they were abandoned by our freakishly cruel neighbors when they moved away without him. We discovered that something was wrong with his teeth, hence he would always prefer soft food to the pellet kind. Anyway, I took him off to the vet to get his teeth sorted this morning, as this would most certainly also sort out his 'inability to gain weight' problem. Alas, but we discovered that he was suffering from Cat Aids. Thankfully he has not had any sexual contact with our other three beloved furry children, nor any fights where blood was drawn. So they are in the clear. I have been crying all morning and am just managing to keep it together right now.
Go well my Snowy, know that you are loved with my whole heart. I hope that the last six months that you lived with us, we made your life a little better, warmer, friendlier, and that you finally got to experience real love. I will always remember you.
If you get lonely in the great beyond, look up 3 old ginger pals of mine, Perky, Mickey & Buddy, they spent 17 years of their lives with me before taking the journey to the other side. Perhaps you can share a tray of catnip with them and reminisce about old times?
I love you boy.

Thursday, December 23, 2004

Wow, I won ten pounds on the UK lotto last night!!!! Woo Hoo!!!! But instead of getting the winnings paid out, I've decided to let it roll on more entries. I'm quiet happy to let the ten pounds go, for the chance of say, ten million. ;) Come on universe, I'm going to be a momma!! Momma needs to feed her kid!!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2004
Well well...
I am really happy, scared, excited, flabbergasted, shocked, to find out that I am pregnant. I am also seriously out of pocket right now, as I have just had to upgrade my medical insurance to be able to cover all the countless Dr appointments that I now will have to attend.
I was a bit undecided as to whether or not we would go the 'kids' route. I decided to leave it up to 'the universe', and guess what? The universe wants me to be a mom!
One third of me wants to dash off and start buying baby stuff, another third of me wants to say 'hey steady on, you're only 3 weeks pregnant and anything can happen up to 12 weeks', and the last third is saying...'oh god, no skiing trip next year...no tropical holiday'...etc etc.
The hubby was in shock for a short while yesterday, but he was SO FRIGGIN HAPPY about it after that, his cheshire cat like grin started to annoy me. The fact that he tried to force me to eat vegetables this morning for breakfast 'for the baby' didn't add to his charm either.
Despite his claims (but 2 weeks ago) that he wasn't ready to be a dad yet, this morning was telling me that he 'was so ready to be a dad now'. I think he was just scared in case by some chance we weren't able to have kids.
I was told by a spiritual reader two years ago that my first child would be a boy, and so far everyone I've told has started referring to the no doubt still single celled organisim implanted in my uterus as 'he'. (without the knowledge of my reading). So I'm pretty convinced that it's a 'he' too. Ronan Connor. Those of you who know my married last name, will realise the irony of my choice of second name. Those of you who don't know my last name, the only clue that I will give, is to say, " There can be only one. He is immortal ". If you have no idea what I'm talking about go and rent the movie "Highlander"!
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Joy and Rapture
It's 18h30 and I'm on an evening shift here, helping out at my ticketing agency. I'll be outtahere in about 30 minutes providing there are no changes.
Oh, did I forget to mention that the test (two separate ones) came back positive?
Holy Guacamole. Life just got interesting folks.
Monday, December 20, 2004
Quiz Time
Because I don't want anyone threatening me with a slow and painful death (or the fear that no-one will...and I won't get a chance to fill out this great quiz). Since I am a complete sucker for quizzes...here goes...
Three names you go by:
Three screennames you have:
Three things you like about yourself:
Sense of humor
Capacity for optimism
My creativity
Three things you hate/dislike about yourself:
My current weight
Lack of Self-confidence (as a result of my current weight)
I'm a tad lazy...
Three parts of your heritage:
Danish(way-WAY back)
Three things that scare you:
Ill health
To not live life to the fullest
Financial loss
Three of your everyday essentials:
Having a conversation with each of my 6 animals (2 dogs 4 cats)
A hug and kiss from the hubby
Enjoying the view from our house
Three things you are wearing right now:
cargo pants
(am wearing shoes that I hate so I won't mention them)
Three of your favorite bands/artists (at the moment):
Three of your favorite songs at present:
Satisfaction - Benny Benassi
Heaven - DJ Sammy (such a happy song!)
Canned Heat - Jamiroquai (can anyone tell me where I can download this?)
Three things you want to try in the next 12 months:
Lose 30 kg
Fall pregnant (fall...? Like it just sort of happens?)...I think...
Host a wildly successful scrapbooking retreat
Three things you want in a relationship (love is a given):
sense of humor
Two truths and a lie:
Money is not important in life
I want to be stinking filthy rich
It's about giving, not receiving.
Three physical things about the opposite (or same) that appeals to you:
view on life
Three things you just can’t do:
Approach people I don't know and start a conversation out of nowhere
A punch front, round off, flip-flop, layout somersault with a double twist.
NOT finish a pizza, no matter how full I may be.
Three of your favorite hobbies:
horse-riding (don't get to do it much lately)
Three things you want to do really badly right now:
Get a toasted bacon and cheese sandwich, cos I'm starving.
Pluck up the courage to go and buy a pregnancy test because my period is late (it's never late)
Put on a pair of pointe shoes and jete across the room.
Three careers you’re considering:
Professional scrapbooker (I wish!)
One where I earn a lot of money, and don't have to do much!
House wife!! (i.e. book club, scrap club, car pool, wine of the month club, tennis club, riding club)
Three places you want to go on vacation:
Canada & the USA again
The Maldive Islands
Australia and New Zealand again.
Three kids names:
Ronan Connor
Sydney Erin
I don't think I'll have a third one.
Three things you want to do before you die:
Retire financially secure
A first class 'round the world' trip.
Meet all my internet friends

I am in serious need of a holiday. I have been working my butt off for the last week at my ticketing agency, helping them with one of their clients who is spending millions on travel this month - and thus changing their flights and minds every five seconds. I am really looking forward to my 10 day break starting on the 24th. This is the Hilton Resort in the Maldives, isn't it gorgeous? I'll post another pic in a minute so you can see more...and dream a bit with me. :)

Friday, December 17, 2004
No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.296 / Virus Database: 265.5.4 - Release Date: 15/12/2004
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Beyond Brain Bubbles

Gosh, thanks!
To Mary Lou of Life After Nexcom, a HUGE thank you for the great Christmas card you sent me, which I received yesterday! What a treat to get it from half way around the world. I'd love to return the favour but I fear it won't get to you in time. So a big hug & the best Christmas wishes to you and your family this Christmas. I hope it's a really good one!!
Monday, December 13, 2004
Such a Dumbass, ...yeah, me.
I am such a twit sometimes. There I was all enthusiastic about this downloadable free software, and I didn't even post the URL. (!)
is where you need to go to download the software to create the online picture albums.
Friday, December 10, 2004

This is an amazing tool!! Create and share actual online albus, add music, comments and share them with your picture pals!! This is great if you need a scrapbooking fix, or if you can't be bothered to scan in your big pages, you can still create something worth sharing with someone else, overseas etc. This is going to be perfect for my MIL and SIL to keep in touch, so that the MIL can see the SIL's kid growing up! I am having a lot of fun with it. Email me if you want to let me know your 'picture pal name' or if you want mine and we can share pics!! (clearly that cup of coffee has seriously perked me up)

Totally Tired
I am sitting here yawning - it's quite embarrassing actually, because I can't seem to stop! Thank de lord that it is Friday today, because I may not have lasted much longer. I had quite a stressful afternoon yesterday at the other office looking after someone else's clients flights, and they kept changing their minds about their flights, like 90 minutes before they were due to fly! It was hectic. There were about 8 different people involved from different parts of the country, so it was quite a challenge, and not the easy relaxing afternoon I was expecting. Dang.
Thursday, December 09, 2004
I have a secret
Just before I head out..(see post below), I wanted to ask all you keen crafters out there, to leave me a comment with your favourite links to craft/scrapbooking sites. I am trying to compile the worlds largest database of scrapbooking sites...for a secret reason...for something that I am launching...soon...so would my blogging buddies help out? Please send me all your favourite links by way of my comments box, to add to my database...pretty please..? (I promise you'll be the first to know when its up and running - and if you twist my rubber arm, I might tell you sooner)...
Wednesday, December 08, 2004
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
The Cats' House - Fish bowl living
Whilst blogwalking today, specifically at 'Music and Cats' (see my
blogroll) I was commenting on a really cute picture of cats snoozing,
and someone else had commented, leaving the link below. For any cat
lover, this is just adorable, go and check it out if you have time. Now
i just have to go and convince the hubby that while we're in this DIY
mood, that we need to install one of these in our house too!
Monday, December 06, 2004
What a doofus.
*** Strong Political Oppinion to Follow***
***Not for sensitive Blog Walkers***
Ok, I have tried to be non-political as possible on this blog, especially when I get strong feelings about politicians that are holding office in a country other than the one I'm living in. However, this is the last straw. I have just read in a local newspaper, that the complete asswipe that has just been re-elected to a certain North American country has decided to undo 30 years of US environmental legislation, and open up a pristine environmental protectorate in Alaska, to oil drilling. Did your Saudi buddies get you to do it? Shmuck? Do you think that the polar bears and arctic wolves and harp seals are going to enjoy having you in THEIR territory, f*cking up their environment and destroying THEIR planet just because YOU need more money? Do you realise that the rest of the civilised western world think of you as the dumbest politician in US history? Do you realise what kind of damage will be done to whales and dolphins and other creatures living in the oceans by your oil spills?
WAKE UP AMERICA your leader is destroying your own country, and our planet and leading you down a path you do not want to go. While I'm on the subject of what a complete bottom feeder Dubya is, why should your sons and daughters be sent to fight in some god forsaken country, sent to die to make one man and his family richer? Why should they DIE in the so-called 'name of democracy'? Democracy, MY ASS!
SMELL THE COFFEE AMERICA I challenge everyone of you who blog, to blog about this issue. Bloggers are getting more and more media coverage all the time and if enough people are reading you can change the way people are thinking and stop them just blindly following their current administration because of loyalty.
How loyal will you be when your wildlife and way of life are destroyed to feed one mans greed?
Big Strong...Couch Potatoes

Friday, December 03, 2004
Dream...Dream ON.

Well, my SIL is leaving this evening for Manchester with toddler in tow to meet up with her hubby and get settled back in England. It is sad to see her go, and needless to say the MIL is devastated at losing her grandchild to a foreign country and her grief is palpable. I hope that the SIL and her hubby do well over there, well enough to enable them to come back again. They've only been here for 3 years, and I am sure that had the hubby really put his mind to it, they could have made it work here. But since he's totally English(and I do mean TOTALLY), they tend to get a bit set in their ways and really stubborn, and I guess going back to England was the easy way out for him. Before I get the whole of England declaring war on my blog, I am married to a guy who grew up there, who's father is a Scot and mother is a pom, so I am totally qualified to make that statement.
Anyway, I am getting annoyed even thinking about why they're going, so I'd better just leave this right here before I get myself even more worked up. At the end of the day, their decisions have zuck all to do with me, and yet because the MIL and FIL are here and they ARE affected by these decisions - ultimately it does affect us, but we're not allowed to say anything about it. You know what else? Now it's going to be up to me to start producing grandkids, and well, I'm not even sure that we're ready...
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
Html messy
Ok, not sure how my page is currently being viewed by anyone, but it appears totally differently to me, when I use a) IE 6 and b) Firefox....? I can't seem to find the problem...anybody? Anybody?
Giving Thanks

I have been sucked into a bottomless void! I made the colossal mistake of logging onto zone.com and found this bastard of a game called 'Bejewelled 2'. It's not even that great, but it's a bit like Mah Jong, in that once you start, that's it. No loo breaks, no time to take a sip of that coffee on your desk, no time to look up and out of the window...must play...must play...fingers tired...must play, right hand cramped over mouse...must play...must improve score and get fake trophy....must play....