Monday, August 30, 2004
Days since exercise programme began: 6
Current Muscular Pain Level: manageable
Speed at which enthusiasm is waning: faster than a greek sprinter on drugs
Weight: too SHOCKING to mention
Feeling perky after the weekend
Ok, so I may be one of a really small percentage of people that now looks forward to going back to work on a Monday. No, my weekends are not SO lame as to force me to desire the work on Monday, but since I am no longer with my former evil, suck the life right out of me job anymore, work has become kinda cool. Yeah of course it's cool because I can blog every now and then without worrying and still get all my work done, and still get paid for it. It's also because I now have decent equipment at my fingertips where email can actually get sent in HTML instead of plain text, because the company is too profit conscious to install a better email system! Ok, maybe saying decent equipment is going just a little too far, considering what happended to my desktop PC (yup I'm still on the laptop - no numeric keypad..gaaah!), but still it's little things, like being able to write to someone in RED, and know that chances are - they also have decent email and it gets there in RED, that makes me enjoy the little nuances of email again.
Friday, August 27, 2004
So AS I was saying...
I had a fabulous time last night at my first scrapbooking class, and found out that sadly, this activity is going to be extremely addictive, and like horseriding, require several thousand pieces of equipment which I am going to have to fork out for... Will I mind spending the money? HELL NO!! Whether or not I actually have the money...is another question entirely.
Tonight, we (the hubby and I) are off for drinks with friends, one of whom has just landed on a flight from Sydney, Australia - (he's not going to be jet-lagged tonight!), after which we are going to another friends house for chinese dinner - YUMMY!! Tommorrow of course the hubby will disappear onto the golf course for several hours, whilst I trawl the city for scrapbooking supplies and max out the hubby's credit card. WHAT!? I hear the collective yell from all the blokes reading this...well boys, it's only fair. Do you know what golf costs these days!? I won't spend half as much on my supplies as the hubby will on his golfing, and the drinks afterwards. Besides, it's good for wives to have their own activities outside of the home ;)
Which means...fellow bloggers, that I will see you all again on Monday morning first thing. Adios muchachos and have a great weekend!!

Days since started exercising again: 3
Current Muscular Pain Level: Intense
Weight Loss since starting: 3kg
3kg in 3 days? Yes. Oh my god...how overweight am I that I can shed 3kg a) without noticing and b)by a bout or two on the treadmill?
Thursday, August 26, 2004
Anky wins again!

Little more comfortable
Ok, my PC is still under the imperius curse. (Harry Potter fans will know what I am talking about). But the laptop that I am working off at the moment is getting a little more comfortable. The only annoying thing is that I am a pretty quick touch typist, and the keyboard layout is messing with my head and my fingers! Anyway, I still can't personalise much on this laptop, because ultimately I want my desktop back - so to bookmark things would just be a waste of time, as I have to start from scratch anyway.
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
Still mad!
Ok, I just wanted to let you all know that I am still REALLY P*SSED about my computer having crashed. I mean for crying out loud, why can't the internet be a nice safe place where all software works, and you don't have to worry about things like spam, or viruses or pop up ads, or software conflicts, or hardware compatability!! Gaaah!!! Gaaaah!! Gaaaaaah!!
Damn Computer
This is just a random test to make sure that I have at least remembered the address that I can email to blog from, and that it too has not disappeared along with half of my life, my photographs - hell, my wedding photographs were all on that friggin pc.
Can't believe it...
I can't believe what has happened to me. My computer has crashed (no, not the one that I am blogging from right now), my work computer, my friend and the extention of my brain. It is totally unresponsive. I have even had to go so far as to reformat the hard drive and try and reinstall xp, but it STILL won't work. I don't know what to do - even my husband who is a complete techie is at a bit of a loss as to what to do. Many of my work files were backed up, and thank god, the reservations of my clients are held off site - but all of those tweaky things that made my computer 'home' are lost to me.
Monday, August 23, 2004
Robbed by Bias!

Rah Rah...Blah

Friday, August 20, 2004
One day...

What a great day!
I have just had the nicest day, working at a steady pace, and getting some great bookings in. After all my whinghing this morning - it just goes to show that perhaps attitude isn't everything, and that sometimes fate throws you a good curveball - and changes your outlook on life. Go Fate!
Tonight we are having some good friends over for a yummy pasta dinner. The hubby has made fresh pasta nearly every night since we got back from honeymoon, clearly owing to the fact that we got a pasta machine as a wedding gift. Dang, you gotta love those bridal registries!!
All Olympic'd Out
Well, this morning I am feeling all Olympic'd out. I watched amazing performances in the Gymnastics again last night, this time the women's all around individual competition. Again it came right down to the last performance of the evening, and this time it was American Carly Harrison who stamped her authority on the evenings proceedings, with consistently great performances on all of her apparatus.
The reason why I say I am feeling all Olympic'd out is just because we are seeing so much greatness in people. We are seeing the best in people, and perhaps this is because the worst isn't being shown on camera. But anyway, it just leaves me feeling like - what the hell am I doing with my life??
Maybe I feel this way, because I used to be an sports person with Olympic potential, and rebelled against the pressure, and gave up on those dreams?
Maybe it's because the 2004 Olympics were the ones towards which my entire training programme was geared?
Anyway, just talking about it like this is depressing me! I sound like a real wingher and now I am starting to annoy myself as well. I think that I should just continue to watch and be inspired to be a better person by watching performances such as those of Paul Hamm (see yesterday's entry) and Carly Harrison.
I should get off my lazy ass, and get some exercise for a start - now THAT would make me feel better.
Thursday, August 19, 2004
A Legend Is Born...

Wednesday, August 18, 2004
Just checked... again...
I just installed a hit counter on my site yesterday, and I was thoroughly enthralled to see that I had 5 whole visitors! Then I realised that one of them was me linking in from my profile page. Ok, so 4 visitors aint bad!! Now I am obsessively checking every few hours to see if I've had anymore visitors - and alas, I have not.
But folks thos of you who do stop in - for however short a period- please say hello! Leave a comment or a criticism, I promise I won't sell your email address to nasty advertisers!! Or hack your box. I swear I couldn't hack my own computer!! Experienced bloggers - leave a tip or some advice. I am starting to get a complex that my life is so boring that people read my blog, and go go "whoah - yikes who is Captain Blah Blah over here??"
Stinking Corporate Greed
Ok, I really really really hate medical aids. You pay them blood, sweat and tears for 6 years of your life. You have a medical emergency in your family which requires the removal of one of your kin to the hospital in an AMBULANCE, and do you think that the stinking bastards will pay up ? NO. You have to fork out until you are a penniless wreck, while they laugh at you from the window in their giant monolith corporate structures, built with your spinal cord showing through the paint work.
Tuesday, August 17, 2004
Things which amaze me
Well, ok, there are quite a few things that amaze me, but one of them is how we discover new ways to do things everyday, and how these things become easier all the time! I am talking of course about emailing stuff to my blog. Never mind that my head is so stuck in the sand that I only discovered blogging like 10 days ago. It must be because I was working for a wicked, wicked company that used to restrict our internet access to sites that were 'pertinent' to our jobs, so basically we couldn't surf at all...bastards. It's a whole new fabulous techno world out there folks.
On the blink - Computers & Life
Well, my reservation system is on the blink - so I guess I'll blog. Just when I found this great flight for a client - thank goodness I managed to save it, so when my link is up again, I will be able to call it up and send her a copy. I might just be able to eat this month. Har Har.
Well, my new husband of less than 1 month, has told me that he has been offered the possibility of a work contract in Iraq for 6 months. Back up a minute.....WHAT??????? Yes I did actually say Iraq. He is all excited like it's the best thing since sliced bread, and it is extremely lucrative. I pointed out to him that the fact that the contract is so extremely lucrative, is because IT'S IN IRAQ, and they are still kind of AT WAR!! I don't know about anyone else, but to go to a country, where the unstable militia are actively targeting foreigners, seems to me, to be, a really DUMB ASS IDEA. I'm going to try and not react to it too much, because as soon as I kick up a really big fuss, he is really going to think that this is something that he really needs to do. Gaaah! Just when I thought that my life was pretty much picture perfect - this has to happen. Oh well, perhaps it will all blow over and I won't be a widow before I'm 30.
Monday, August 16, 2004

Sunday the hubby and I went to our bridal registry store to pick up our last 2 gifts that were purchased online and brought them home. There is something about really nice stainless steel appliances that really smartens up the kitchen. The only problem is that now we need a bigger house to fit all our gifts into. Along with a nice big garage for when we get that A4. :)

Ok, I'm back after a really awesome weekend. Went to a friends house on Saturday with my hubby (still not used to calling him that), and the friend and his wife have just bought the new Audi A4. Wow, in Ferrari red too. It is such a good looking car, that one is tempted to shag on the bonnet. Although I will have to wait until the hubby gets one, because I don't think that our friend is that good a friend to let us go for it in his driveway, and leave a huge dent on his bonnet. Har har.

Friday, August 13, 2004
Talk to people across the globe!
My mate in China just emailed me about this site - if you download the software, and provided you have either a headset, or microphone and speakers attached to your pc - you can have an actual audio conversation with them.
Wow - she is in Shanghai, I am in Cape Town, and you can hear each other like you are next door to each other. WOO-HOO!! My phone bill is coming down baby!!
Calm & Serene.....NOT
Ok, I have decided to remain calm about this whole affair. This reminds me of a book I once read where the psycho used this mantra which went something like, "breathe out the bile green fog of despair....and breathe in the peachy calm mist of peace and tranquility."
Yeah right, ok I am annoyed about something else which I spotted this morning whilst checking out the Project Fame channel on satellite. Yeah I know that I must be a serious Loser to be watching that at all....but, back to my ramblings here....when you click OK with your remote control to access the text part of the channel, and that menu pops up along the bottom so that you can see the latest news etc....well, whoever the cretin is that is typing that can't spell.
If there is one thing that really gets my goat over and over again, it is people who work in the media, be it TV, newspaper, magazines whatever... that can't spell. There is just no excuse for it. If you choose to publish main stream material for the general masses....LEARN TO SPELL, or at least use your spell checker!!!!! GAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!
Really Annoyed
Ok, I'm like really annoyed this morning, I spent ages on a quote for a client yesterday afternoon, really found an amazing airfare for them, and this morning I walk in, and they tell me that they found it cheaper somewhere else. Damn that other agency that must have cancelled a cheaper seat right when she walked in to get her quote from someone else - and making it available!! Gaaaaaah!!
Being a travel agent really has it's downs, it is such a cut throat industry, that I wouldn't be surprised if the other agency looked at my quote and then cut their commission off in order make it seem as if they were cheaper. Gaaaah!!
Thursday, August 12, 2004

I got back from my honeymoon last Wednesday, and have just picked up my photo's from the photo shop. (What? No digital camera?) Yes I know, but I'm a bit traditional like that. As much as I love gizmo's and gadgets and the latest techno-whizzy anything, I still like the feel of the real photograph every now and then for me to scrap into my physical collection of thoughts. (Scrapbook) Anyway, here's a pic of one of the most beautiful places in the world. Anyone know where this is?

Want an amazing holiday? Go to: www.visitmexico.com : Mexico
www.visitmexico.com : Mexico
Wow, an amazing sight to help you plan a holiday in Mexico. As a travel agent I'm always on the look out for great travel websites and this is definitely one! I await tons of feed back from all of you!
I can't wait to watch the opening ceremonies on Friday. Each Olympics seems to offer up something better each time - and after Sydney 2000's opening scene with the typical Auzzie rider galloping in and rearing in a spotlight, followed by about 100 other Auzzie riders, thundering into the stadium, really blew my hair back.
Maybe it's because I'm a huge horse fan, or because the sight of galloping horses awakens some deep spiritual memory in all of us, I don't know. Anyway, Athens as the 'birthplace' of the ancient Olympics will no doubt capture some other corner of my imagination, which I assure you is huge and complex - well anyway, here's to Friday.
First Blog Ever
Well, this is all very Bridget Jonesy. Just discovered blogging two days ago, found some great sites. For some reason this appeals to me. Like this satisfies my need to write or something. Secretly I am sure that some news agency is going to pick up on my great wit and insight and desperately try and get hold of me to write for them for copious amounts of money. Well here's hoping!! NY Times, I'm waiting for your call.