For those of you who've been around my blog for awhile you may remember me posting about this resort near my home (a distant dot in this picture). Anyway, I mentioned it before because I thought about hosting a scrapbooking retreat - which I'm still really keen to do, but of course it will only be able to be early next year. I was quite pleased today, because I did a quote for a client - for a one night stay of similar length and number of people - and the rates were really very reasonable - including all meals & accommodation. So there's a project for me to organise for my creative memories people and a thought to keep me going through all the long nights of being awake both before and after bubkins arrives.
I also had another Doc appointment yesterday, and got to see the bubkins again on the scan - the doc is really pleased with his growth and says that all is going well - he's a good size (thank god I'm having a caesarian) and she says that everything looks 100%. Plus there is no trace of any sugar problems anymore (go me!) because I've been so good with my diet since my 'scare'. There are several reasons to feel good today. I'm going to put all our financial stresses aside today, and just hug myself and say, "all is well with my world today".