Thursday, September 30, 2004
Wednesday, September 29, 2004
Lotto Night

Hey! Where'd it go?
Hey, I have a post gone AWOL. See like 2 posts ago, there's a post, with no content??!! If anyone out there finds it - please let me know! If you get bizarre commentary on your milk carton it's mine!!

All better after my weekly dose of Smallville and CSI Miami!! That, and I think that my vitamins are already beginning to take effect. It amazes me how living a modern lifestyle - we still can't get all the nutrients we need, and have to resort to supplementing. I'm guessing that supplementing is the reason that the average lifespan of a human being has gone beyond 35...hmmm. Judging by this picture, I'm guessing that Mr Tom Welling, aka 'Clarke Kent' does plenty of supplementing, why yes, plenty I'm sure.
In last night's episode, Christopher Reeve made another guest appearance, looking at him now, I still see that dishy guy in the blue and red spandex, and even thought I think that Tom Welling is MORE than qualified to fill his shoes, Mr Reeve will always be the Superman of my childhood.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Monday, September 27, 2004
Loooong weekend
Friday was divine, slept late (or as late as our Alaskan Malamute would let us, before he started 'woo-wooing' to be taken for a run on the beach!). Went over to the sister in law and we had a bit of a 'crop session' for our scrabbooking while the hubby took his nephew out to a petting zoo. So he takes the poor 2 (nearly 3)yr old to a snake park. Luckily the kid has nerves of steel and even wanted to take the crocodile home with him. Managed to get 1 and a half pages done.
When we got home that evening, I spent the entire evening delving into my new pc game (ok, not newly released, but new to me) called 'Empire Earth'. It is like three of my other favourites (Age of Empires/Age of Mythology and Star Craft) all rolled into one!! I was glued. (yes I am a she-geek).
On Saturday, the hubby went off to the golf course, and I spent the morning glued to the laptop playing my game again, finally managed to whoop my computer opponents ass. It literally took me ages, I thought that I was going to be defeated while my little guys were running around grunting with clubs, but managed to gain ascendance during the 'Nano' age where I had cool guys running around grunting with lazer beams. The expansion pack lets you battle it out in space. I can't wait.
So the hubby gets back from the golf course, and I'm like "hey honey - you're home much earlier than I expected". (me thinking it is about 11am - he's usually back at 1pm-ish), and he says, "babe, it's 4pm." My numb ass nearly fell off the chair. I had been playing that game non-stop since 7:30am. (ok, I stopped twice to make coffee). How freaky is that though?? My whole day just sucked into some kind of gaming void. So then the hubby decides he wants to play 'Alien vs predator 2' (or some dumb 1st person shooter like it) and I'm not wanting to let him have the computer!! ha ha!! Just imagine how I am going to bags the computer when we finally get ADSL at home...
Sunday my mom came round for lunch, and the hubby made this fabulous lasagne, or as we like to refer to it as 'Le Zag'. He really is quite good at it - made fresh pasta as well. Guess what we're eating for the next few days! Anyway, so my mom came over with a new craft magazine for me which is great, we don't have many publications about scrapbooking here (YET), but this magazine had loads of scrapbooking inside, and also pointed me in the direction of some online scrapping shops which will come in handy when I need to deplete our monetary funds some more. For those of you who are interested check out www.memorieswarehouse.co.za for an online shop that specialises in South African embellishments and paper. Another good one is www.scrappingscottie.com which I mentioned in a comment a while back.
Thursday, September 23, 2004
Calm Again
Okay, okay. I got an apology. A very abject humble apology. Hey, I can never stay mad for long. So now I am calm again. Tommorrow is a public holiday - so I won't be in the office to blog, but may send through snippets via my very cool cell phone to let you know if anything earth shattering happens!!
Wednesday, September 22, 2004

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. My phone is the coolest phone in the universe. Last night I had a revelation. A light bulb moment. Fiddling with my phone as I always do, to discover new features, I discovered that not only can I sms from my phone,but that I can effectively sms to an email address. Whoah! That means that I can blog from my phone!!! No more weekend breaks!! I can blog on the go!! Ok, so my post from last night only showed up after my two posts this morning, so it may be disorientating-but it's still v cool!

Test from Phone
Test to see if i can blog from my wap enabled phone. if this works, my cell bill is going to go through the roof. Gaaaah!
phew!! That was close, I nearly got caught blogging on the job...by the husband. We generally don't see each other much during the day, he's usually down the passage. But today he needed help with some stuff, and before I could say 'oh sh*t', he was right around behind my desk to see how far I was with the stuff he needed. Tip: if you need to flip really quickly between blogging screens and 'official' work, ALT+TAB is brilliant if you master it with your thumb on the bottom ATL key and flick the tab with your left ring finger.

So last night, was Tuesday night - which of course means Smallville night!! Also, following Smallville is another of my favourite shows -CSI Miami! It is interesting to see a 'hero' character like Horatio Cane, who is not really an Adonis of any kind still being able to pull off a totally charismatic and thoroughly cool performance, week after week as the 'defender of peace and justice!' Ok, so maybe that description is a bit over the top- but I just really enjoy the show. So last night I also finally got some chocolate in! I shared a small bag of chocolate covered gum drops called 'Speckled Eggs', which were absolutely yummy. I am sure it is this sugar (in addition to the neighbors dog barking) which kept me up most of the night. Lesson learned. NO more chocolate. Ok, maybe not. No more chocolate right before bed. I've decided not to stress about the whole have kids/don't have kids scenario. I think that to decide either way - is an incredibly difficult thing to do, and perhaps it takes more courage to decide not to - but I will leave it up to the powers that be.

Fabulous Workout

Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Ho hum
Well, I really don't feel like working today. I am definitely going to the gym today, it usually peps me up, funny how it takes energy, to get more energy. Cardio day today, not my favourite, but if I am going to work off all the chocolate that I am going to eat today - I'm definitely going!
I've been working on some more scrapbook pages as well, but they're not totally done yet. I need more embellishments before they're done. When I am done, then I will scan one or two in, and post them, in the hopes of receiving millions of comments from adoring fans, blown away by my creative genius. ;) HA!
The hubby and I had a talk last night about 'starting a family'. Not sure about this. I have just started to enjoy being married - and since we are like the last of the mohicans (all our friends are already married and starting on kiddy number 2 already), all of our friends keep saying 'don't be in a hurry - kids change your life completely' (duh!), but I also don't want to be the last to have kids, so that when my kids are 2 and running around, everyone else's will be 8 or 10 and won't want to play with the 'babies'. Am I totally nuts to think that I should be worried about this? Are there more important factors to consider...? Having said that I've just started to enjoy being married- the hubby and I have been living together for about 5 years, so it's not as if everything about living together is still new. But somehow, being married is different- and I am not sure if I just want to skip through this phase and plough headlong into the next one yet. Hmmm. I suppose that work wise I am in the right place right now, I pretty much work my own hours. Gaaah!! Indecision annoys me!! Gaah! What's weird is that I used to have this hugely stressful job which kept me away from home at least 10-12 hours a day (9 hr day plus travelling), which is why I ended up changing to this where I now work in my husbands company. But having all this newly found time, I have rediscovered that there are things in life that I like to do besides work. Like walk the dogs on the beach while there's sunlight. Like, actually have friends over for dinner on a weeknight. Like, scrapbooking. Like blogging -although that doesn't really count because I do that while I am supposed to be working. How am I going to feel if all that disappears again because I have a baby on my hip? Am I being a totally selfish cow about this?
Still holding out...
Ok, as much as I am determined to go out there and get more chocolate, somehow, I haven't been able to bring myself, to get up, go the ATM for cash, and then go and buy chocolate. Perhaps this is misguided will power appearing out of nowhere (where were you when I really needed you darn it) trying to stop me?
Isn't it really cool how my ads at the top of my blog has changed to reflect my content? It's advertising peanut butter cups - yay for technology!!
Monday, September 20, 2004
Extreme Temptation

Saturday Ceilidh (pronounced kay-lee).

Friday, September 17, 2004

I am so looking forward to the weekend!! We are having a bit of a party on Saturday night - not at home thank goodness, but a couple of us are getting together to have a scottish shindig, with some traditional ceilidh dancing on Saturday night - which means that I am going to duck out of going to the gym today - in lieu of all the raucous dancing that I am going to be doing!! I think it's the perfect trade-off don't you?

I crack myself up.
Honestly, how wierd was I feeling yesterday! I am starting to feel normal again today. (back from outer space and all :)
I didn't actually realise yesterday, just exactly how wierd I was feeling, but having read what I posted yesterday - I see that I was quite bewildered!!
So dinner last night was totally delicious. I picked up a recipe from Mike Calderon of El Paso, (click on my link below that says 'Blank Media' to see it), and it was just yummy. I mean my thighs are hating him right now, and gym today will be total torture, but I say it was worth it.
Also I am so pleased to see more visitors commenting on my site. It makes you feel really special that you've said something interesting enough for people to respond to! So thanks.
Thursday, September 16, 2004
Twilight Zone!

Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Scrapbooking Bliss
I went to a crop session last night - and I really just love scrapbooking. It's so much fun, and really helps you preserve your memories in a great creative way. I was also so excited this morning when I learned that in March next year, there is going to be a Scrapbook Den University held over two days in Cape Town - woo HOO!! Yeah!! Finally we get some international input, with professional scrapbookers from the US & Canada coming over to give classes. It's quite scary how 'into' it I have become. I spent ridiculous amounts of money last night buying supplies...hmmm. Somehow, just when I think I have everything I need....I need more stuff. Then a new gadget comes out. I just can't scrap without it. Hmm.
Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Tonight one of my favourite shows is on TV. I actually set reminders on my phone so that I don't miss it. Of course it's Smallville, and I guess I must just love it because I grew up watching the original Superman movies, and hence it's easier for me to suspend disbelief and get into the story...oh hell, who am I trying to kid - have you seen this guy!!!!?? Don't get me wrong, yes I am newly wed, and dearly love my gorgeous husband, but I repeat....have you seen this guy??!! What's great is that the hubby and I totally understand each others eye candy, just like I am glued to the screen during Smallville - he's can't take his eyes of Jennifer Garner in Alias, so hey it's all fair. So why do I suddenly feel like I should be at the gym. I mean I also want to be able to kick ass like she does!!

Monday, September 13, 2004
My Fluffy Love.

Gorgeous Boy

Monday Morning Blues

Friday, September 10, 2004
Thursday, September 09, 2004

Instead of a bouquet of flowers, both my matron of honour and I chose to carry candlelit lanterns through the 'mist' to the front of the church. This along with my chosen music (from LOTR 3 where Arwen is going through the forest and sees a vision of Aragorn in the future) made for quite a different type of ceremony! Of course it only took two weeks after the wedding to start hearing the grumbling from the Aunt (who was only invited because we HAD to) about how it was such a 'strange' wedding. Well I say 'Sod off Old Cow, it's my wedding, and I liked it. So there!'

Wedding pics! I finally got my wedding photographs! Only a month and half after the wedding, but hey I got 'em. I ended up getting the photo shop to scan everything to disk for me, so that I can then pick out the ones that I want developed. I figure that it is much cheaper to do it this way - and it means that all the relatives that need to get copies, I can email - so they don't get their fingerprints over my nice pics. I chose not to do the traditional 'white' wedding because it's just too cliche for me. Instead, I went with a bit of a Lord of the Rings type theme, and came down the aisle preceded by mist from a smoke machine, and wearing a steel silver grey cape instead of a veil.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004
Whales! No, not me...

Tuesday, September 07, 2004
Moto rocks!


Monday, September 06, 2004
Great Start
I have had a great start to my week, with more bookings coming through!
My gym 'follow up' to discuss my training programme, has been postponed until tommorrow, so I figure I will post a lot today, as tomorrow, my fingers may be too tired to type. Har Har. In a way I am looking forward to getting fit & trim again, but gaah! Why does it feel like such a huge effort?? Isn't that just the way of the world though, it takes 25 minutes to eat a large pizza (in South Africa, that's about a regular to you US folks), but it takes like a month of workouts to burn it off? That's not fair! Geez, now I am hungry too, where'd I put that chinese take-out menu...
Good Movie!

Friday, September 03, 2004
It's Friday!! There are several reasons to feel great!! I have had loads of great travel bookings paid for today!! Yay!! I am going to see the new King Arthur movie tonight - I don't care what anyone says, but I love movies with an epic theme! I've been scrapbooking at work all afternoon!! I survived my fitness assessment that the gym threw at me! It was horrifying, since they came at me with this pincer like device to measure my muscle/fat ratio. But it's over now, so now I just have to face getting my programme on Monday. Luckily I am going to be doing a lot of free weights, none of that sissy circuit bollocks. I just find that the circuit is bad when you are on a machine where both of your limbs contribute pressure i.e. the leg extention, because your one leg could be weaker and be compensated for by the other - unless you have enough time to repeat the repetitions with single legs.
Anyway - since I don't have broadband at home yet, guess I'll see y'all Monday morning!! Have a great weekend folks!
Thursday, September 02, 2004
The Verdict

Wednesday, September 01, 2004
Live Long and Prosper!